What is Bipolar Ionization (BI) Technology and How Does it Work?
Much like sunlight does in the atmosphere, Bipolar Ionization technology produces a natural bio-climate rich in positive and negative ions. The negative ions contain an extra electron while the positive ions are missing an electron resulting in an unstable condition. In an effort to re-stabilize, these bipolar ions seek out atoms and molecules in the air to trade electrons with, effectively neutralizing particulate matter, bacteria and virus cells, odorous gases and aerosols, and VOCs.

Airborne particles are charged by the ions causing them to cluster and be caught in filters

As they divide to reproduce, bacteria and virus cells bond with oxygen ions and are destroyed

Odorous gases and aerosols oxidize on contact with oxygen ions and are neutralized

Oxygen ions cause a chemical reaction with VOCs breaking down their molecular structure
Watch Bipolar Ionization prevent mold growth over six days in a controlled laboratory experiment (Video).
Benefits of Bipolar Ionization
- Energy Savings: Up to 30%
- Pressure Drop: Minor
- Particle Size: Small
- Treats Air in Room: Yes
- Treats Make-up Air: Yes
- Treats Supply Air: Yes
- Treats Return Air: Yes
- Treats Exhaust Air: Yes
- Capital Costs: Low
- Operation & Maintenance Costs: Low
- Energy Costs: Low
- Disposal Costs: None
- Success Rates: 99%
Download our Bipolar Ionization (BI) Technology Sheet below for more information.
Contact VASEY today to determine if Bipolar Ionization (BI) Technology is right for your facility!
IMPORTANT: It’s crucial to evaluate your existing HVAC system to custom design the appropriate air purification solution to provide optimum system performance.